
What we offer is listed below…

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Giving 15% Off First Summer Cleaning Of 2024!

Whether it's sparkling windows or pristine surfaces you desire, Coastal Clarity goes above and beyond to make your Property shine. Let our dedicated team transform your space into a masterpiece of cleanliness and clarity, setting a new standard for excellence.

We understand the importance of attention to detail. Our commitment to quality work extends to every project we undertake, ensuring that your satisfaction and the beauty of your home remain at the forefront of our service.

Window Cleaning

Our Cleaning process consists of the traditional Squeegee and Mop, however what separates our brand and quality is we use a water-spot abrasive treatment to eliminate any hard-water stains and stronger debris. We finish it off with a surgical towel grade wipe down and eye inspection on ever panel Leaving a glassy Finish

Pressure washing

Our pressure washing selects the right type of liquid agitator to soften the debris and eliminate algae and hard stains, then we use the recommended water pressure for the surface to safely remove all Debris and staining to leave a new looking surface.

Solar Panel Cleaning

Our Crew is fully equipped with roof safety to assure safety while we thoroughly clean the surface area and leave a spotless finish in order to have solar operating at full capacity and maximizing the benefits for both residential and commercial properties